liba 0.1.15
An algorithm library based on C/C++
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File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
 a.hAlgorithm library
 avl.hAdelson-Velsky and Landis self-balancing binary search tree
 buf.hBasic buffer library
 complex.hComplex number
 crc.hCyclic Redundancy Check
 fuzzy.hFuzzy operator
 hash.hHash function
 hpf.hHigh Pass Filter
 linalg.hLinear algebra functions
 list.hCircular doubly linked list implementation
 lpf.hLow Pass Filter
 math.hMathematical algorithm library
 mf.hMembership function
 notefreqs.hA note frequency table
 pid.hProportional integral derivative controller
 pid_fuzzy.hFuzzy proportional integral derivative controller
 pid_neuro.hSingle neuron proportional integral derivative controller
 que.hBasic queue library
 rbt.hRed–black self-balancing binary search tree
 regress_linear.hLinear regression
 regress_simple.hSimple linear regression
 slist.hSingly linked list implementation
 str.hBasic string library
 tf.hTransfer function
 trajbell.hBell-shaped velocity trajectory
 trajpoly3.hCubic polynomial trajectory
 trajpoly5.hQuintic polynomial trajectory
 trajpoly7.hHepta polynomial trajectory
 trajtrap.hTrapezoidal velocity trajectory
 utf.hUnicode Transformation Format
 vec.hBasic vector library
 version.hAlgorithm library version