liba 0.1.15
An algorithm library based on C/C++
No Matches

instance structure for single neuron PID controller More...

#include <pid_neuro.h>

Collaboration diagram for a_pid_neuro:

Public Member Functions

void init ()
void set_kpid (a_float k_, a_float kp, a_float ki, a_float kd)
void set_wpid (a_float wp_, a_float wi_, a_float wd_)
a_float run (a_float set, a_float fdb)
a_float inc (a_float set, a_float fdb)
void zero ()

Data Fields

a_pid pid
a_float k
a_float wp
a_float wi
a_float wd
a_float ec

Detailed Description

instance structure for single neuron PID controller

Field Documentation

◆ ec

a_float a_pid_neuro::ec

error change

◆ k

a_float a_pid_neuro::k

proportional output coefficient

◆ pid

a_pid a_pid_neuro::pid

instance structure for PID controller

◆ wd

a_float a_pid_neuro::wd

derivative weight

◆ wi

a_float a_pid_neuro::wi

integral weight

◆ wp

a_float a_pid_neuro::wp

proportional weight

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: